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Potatoes: The carbs you can count on!!

I am a foodie’s best friend, I am delicious and full of nutrients. I also go by the name Spud. Who Am I?  

A Potato

That’s right!! Potatoes are delicious and a great source of nutrition. Don’t believe us? Keep reading to discover all the amazing and healthful benefits of potatoes. 

Potatoes are versatile and considered a staple in many cultures across the world. Despite being overlooked, these potatoes are rich in nutrients and have numerous health benefits. Let’s have a look at how including potatoes in your diet can improve your health.  

1. Eat Calories to Lose Calories 

Potatoes do not magically increase your weight. In fact, an average potato contains 110 g of calories and can be considered a healthy option for anyone trying to shed some weight. They are also packed with essential nutrients like Potassium, Vitamin B6, and Iron that promote health.

2. Improve metabolism 

Potatoes are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and get digested slowly by the body. If cooked right and consumed in moderation it can help reduce overeating and promote healthy digestion. The resistant starch in potatoes supports the growth of good bacteria resulting in improved gut health. 

3. Regulate blood glucose 

Another added benefit of including potatoes in your meal is that they improve blood glucose levels. The fiber present in potatoes slows down the rate of glucose absorption into the bloodstream reducing sugar spikes after meals. 

4. Improve brain health 

Potatoes also contain essential nutrients like Vitamin B6, Potassium, and Iron. These nutrients are found to improve brain functions as they make chemical messengers that control mood and thinking. It is also found that the antioxidants present in potatoes protect the brain from dementia and other problems. 

With these countless benefits to its credits, you can no longer make an excuse not to include this powerhouse of veggies in your diet!!  

So why not get started by adding our vacuum-fried potato chips (now available in an addictive peri- peri flavor) to your cart? 

PS: Did you know that potatoes and sweet potatoes have similar amount of nutritional value as potassium, magnesium, and iron even though they belong to different families? 

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